Margaret Cho – Im Sorry chords

A E F#mWell I'm sorry I set your house on fire
D AI am a victim of my own desaire
A E F#mAnd I'm sorry I sent you that suicaid letter
D AI was gonna die but then I felt better
A E F#mAnd I'm sorry I shot you in the face
D AI had this feeling I was way of base
A E AAnd I'm sorry I killed you dear
D E AI only wanted you to be near
AAnd I sincerely apolegize
EMy actions were unwise
F#m D A E AAnd now I realize that it killed me when you died
A E F#mWell I'm sorry I hit you with that brick
D AAt least your death was fairly quick
A E F#mAnd I thougt you'd take it on the chin
D AWell it looks like rigamortis is setting in
A E F#mAnd I hope you weren't in too much pain
D E AI guess I'm criminally insane
A And I sincerely apologize
EMy actions were unwise
F#m D A E AAnd now I realize that it killed me when you died
A E F#mWell I shouldn't have hidden you in the attic
D AI guess I got a flare for the dramatic
A E F#mAnd I know your family is so bereaved
D E ABut I just couldn't let you leave
AAnd yes I made a big mistake
EBut my love for you was not fake
F#m D And I just had all I could take
A E ASo I drowned you in the lake
A E F#mAnd now they're calling for an autopsy
D E AI just wanted you to notice me
A EYou just wouldn't love me and this I can't forgive
F#m E DMy pride was stronger than your will to live
AThen your will to live
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